Release Notes
New preset added for ZyberVR All-in-One
Patch to correct out of bounds detection on hole 18 for Island courses
1. Small adjustment to dynamic club volume and short pitch sound effect
2. Updated clap/cheer sound effects
3. Clubhouse background music has been refreshed
1. Added a few dynamic clouds on all courses with speed and direction affected by the wind (Q2 only).
2. Removed wind indicator whilst on green
3. Changed lift timing at start of game for a quicker experience
4. New Putter sound and introduced dynamic volume on all clubs
6. Add info text on settings options in clubhouse
1. Improved code for new cups released in previous update.
2. Increased distance that flags are removed from 11 to 14 feet.
3. Fixed bug when using practice ball on green sometimes not detecting green correctly.
4. Modified clubs in Club House display so they are all reward clubs.
1. Improved cup visuals on all courses
1. Fixed issue with putting indicator sometimes not being removed after sinking a putt
2. Cleaned up code for tutorial affecting extension clubs
3. Changed duplicate display club in clubhouse
1. Added a number of Reward clubs to unlock
2. Some adverts refreshed
3. New grip on all clubs
4. Added club display in club house
5. Fixed bug with two presets on driving range
1. Adjusted sat position on Hole 7 island courses
2. Adjust rock angle on Hole 7 island holes
3. Small adjustment to 1st hole lighting on CL Mirrored
4. New night sky on Outback Canyon Mirrored
5. Minor changes to some club designs and new design for default club
6. Added a few 3d Critter sounds on Island mirrored course
7. Fixed bug with multiplayer timeout on front of tee
8. Clean up
1. Some visual adjustments required from previous update
2. Added the option to unlock the new Island club design with a score under 80 on either of the island courses (any skill level)
3. Increased speed of explorer. You can adjust the amount of thrust by how much you press the trigger.
1. New Islands mirrored night course released for both single and multiplayer.
2. New club reward design.
3. Small adjustments and bug fixes.
1. Position adjustments to a few of the water drop zones on the Island course.
1. Added area after 18th Hole on Islands course
2. Added Hot Air Balloons to Island Course
3. Added option in clubhouse settings to choose the default view on the tee. If you choose Sat, it will auto change to ball after hitting.
4. Fixed wording in how to screen for leaderboard location
1. Fixed Leaderboard Island weekly Pro text
2. Adjustment to Islands Hole 10 dropzone position
3. Leaderboards now remember last viewed as the default
1. Fix for sound issue on other courses
2. Fix for OOB water on Island Hole 6
1. New 'THE ISLANDS' 18 hole course for single and online multiplayer
2. Leaderboards and now moved to the main desk - press the "LB' button on the lower menu
3. Green speed has been increased slightly for all settings - please adjust as required from the oncourse menu
4. Multiplayer course options screen has been tidied up
5. Adjusted teleport area around main desk which was causing some issues
6. Fixed mulligan issue after hitting a rock
1. Added Outback Canyon SpeedGolf as an option in MultiPlayer
1. Added a new SpeedGolf Challenge for Outback Canyon
2. Added additional Green Speed setting
3. Fixed OOB issue near green on Outback Canyon and Mirror Hole 18
4. Fixed a rock collision on Outback Canyon and Mirror Hole 10
5. Fixed Outback Canyon bush appearing through menu
6. Adjusted Outback Canyon and Mirror fairway detector on Hole 5
7. Changed guided tutorial location to Outback Canyon course
1. Small patch for explorer button and rotational issue
1. Added new preset for HelloReal ProGrip.
2. Modified explorer to be instant on when pressed instead of a fade delay
3. Introduced a guided walkthrough of how to play including a small welcome sign on a fresh install.
4. Fixed timing issue with use of mulligan after hitting water.
5. Fixed issue with Lob Wedge position not being set correctly for extension handles on first use.
6. Small clubhouse menu fixes.
1. Enabled waterfalls for Q2 headsets in multiplayer mode
2. Adjusted some water collision areas on outback courses
3. Slight adjustment to player default position at main desk
4. Added playable preview of Hole 1 for the next course under construction
1. Adjusted some dirt/fairway detectors on outback canyon courses
2. Added option in the club house settings to disable the elevator at the start of the game (small decrease in load time)
1. Fixed bug with driving range menu sometimes not operating
2. New Club House menu
1. Small fix for the missing gold club lock.
1. Added logo to hole in one club design
2. Added an option to switch off the helicopter in flight mode so you can float over the hole with a better view. Accessed in clubhouse settings.
3. Small clean up from recent updates.
1. Small fixes for new courses - rock collisions, dirt detection, heli path and explorer boundaries
1. New Outack Canyon mirrored 18 hole course available including leaderboards for all skill levels
2. Outback Canyon mirrored 3d critter random sound effects
3. Non-leader multiplayer load screen now shows
4. Fixed a number of hole signs for Outback Canyon that were showing the incorrect PAR
5. Minor adjustments to some text in the clubhouse menu
1. New Outback Canyon 18 hole course is now available including leaderboards for all skill levels
2. Moon Links has been removed to simplify the game
3. Added new Ball lie indicator for Outback Canyon course (Green, Fairway, Dirt, Bunker).
4. Fixed issue with lob wedge position save
5. Small update to Clubhouse menu
1. Patch to fix some club designs not appearing in a multiplayer game
1. Small patch for Club House menu and Club designs.
2. Added background images to course buttons.
1. Updated Club House Menu.
2. Additional club designs.
3. Implemented Rewards system for a few select club designs.
1. Added Lob Wedge.
2. Drop Zones - When hitting water, ball will now be automatically placed near the point of entry.
3. Club Designs - From the front desk, you can now customise your woods with various designs.
4. Avatars - have moved from part of the multiplayer menu to the bottom right main menu. These will save when chosen.
5. Removed tablet on front desk and integrated driving range, practice green and Leaderboard location into main menu.
1. Added new Santa Hat avatar
2. Adjusted water collision on Hole 14
3. Adjusted position of player after completing round in multiplayer
4. Modified ClubHouse menu to show preview picture when hovering over courses
1. Fixed issue with Hole#11 ball running under water and lowered river volume.
1. 'Condition Control'. When selecting a specific hole to practice, you can now change the wind strength, direction and pin position from anywhere on the hole from the course menu.
2. The indicators for power percentage, club angle and swing path will now not reset until you activate the club or take a practise swing.
3. Fixed minor visual issue with controls menu.
4. Added version to noticeboard.
1. Fix for left controller visual dot not appearing in clubhouse from previous update.
2. When selecting to practice one specific hole, voiceovers (birdie chance etc) will not activate as it can get repetitive. They will still activate for selecting to practice all holes.
1. Improved Carry/Roll distance ratio for all clubs. (Some club distances have small changes)
2. Club distance info now displays correctly depending on skill level.
3. Removed Backspin button which is now controlled from the club for all skill levels. The spin is variable - an above 80% swing with lofted clubs - 9, PW, SW will generally cause some roll back on the green depending on slope etc.
4. Added Carry to the course menu and fixed some text alignment.
5. Intro music will now only play once on Mully's Chip Challenge and volume adjusted.
6. Fixed an issue with practice balls in bunkers.
7. Fixed bug with ball not displaying in Mully's Chip challenge after hitting water sometimes.
8. Voice Over Oh-No sound when hitting water will now only activate once per hole.
1. Small patch to fix PRO practice selected hole going to incorrect tee
1. New easier to read menu indicators for Club Chosen and Power level2. Additional voiceover if hitting the water and also chipping right next to hole
3. Voiceover for Nice Shot now activates differently depending on skill level
4. Added Free Play button to Practice Green which will position you at one end of the green resulting in less initial turning required
5. Added a slight transparency to the ball when playing Mully's Chip Challenge allowing you to see the ball location on the other side of a plank 6. Increased size of gate detection collider for Mully's Chip Challenge as there were reports sometimes it would not detect
7. Fixed issue with ball moving when changing game modes on Mully's Chip Challenge
8. Fixed issue with mulligans not always available on driving range
9. Fixed issue with club adjust sometimes occurring when flicking back on thumbstick for a mulligan
10. Improved beach collision detection for Hole#4
1. Fixed issue with Chip Challenge where sometimes the player would not point towards the gate.
1. New Practice Green located in the lower area of the Club House is now open. Practice chipping/putting or use the Drills to help with your game.2. Mully's Chip Challenge is now released also located on the lower green which is a 9 hole chip and putt obstacle style course.
3. Added a new quick location tablet on the main desk to help get around the ClubHouse.
4. Added short sound intro when playing a leaderboard round. This can be disabled in clubhouse settings.
5. Added Hole info voiceover at start of each hole. This can be disabled in clubhouse settings.
6. Added Voicovers for Birdie, eagle, hole in one, nice shot etc. This can be disabled in clubhouse settings.
7. Added two extra power levels for each club.
8. The Green Slope Indicator now has a simplified version which is the default. You can revert back to the current one in the clubhouse settings.
9. Fixed return to elevator issue from course.
10. Adjusted rock slope on some holes.
11. Fixed issue with replay shot if ball goes through ground.
12. Fixed Practice hole ordering.
13. Fixed Practice holes not going to AM tees.
14. Adjusted water under ground on #16 that was causing incorrect collision.
15. Version number moved to elevator and sign removed.
16. Updated loading screens.
17. Reduced course rotation speed to assist with finer control.
1. Fixed bug with club change from putter
1. Slight adjustment to clubhouse menu font on main screen.
2. With the recent improvements in green detection the game is now reverting back to putter only on the green.
3. Small bug fixes and clean up.
1. New Club House Menu for easier navigation with simplified How To Play screens.
2. New SEMI-PRO Skill level with Weekly and All-Time leaderboards available for both single and multiplayer.
3. Controller selection menu will now only show on 1st startup of the game after an install. Controller can be changed from the settings menu in the clubhouse.
4. Removed the power settings from Club House settings as they are available directly from the course menu. Extra power button remains.
5. Two players on local headset has not been included in this latest release to help simplify the game and allow focus on other aspects. If there is enough interest I can look to add it back in.
6. Fixed issues on some bunkers preventing use of menu.
7. Adjusted some rock collisions on holes 3 and 18.
8. Fixed issue with putting vibration not working for extension handles and added a slight increase in duration.
9. Adjusted default club position on new installs.
10. Fixed issue with practice chipping just off green using feet instead of yards.
1. Adjusted collision areas on some holes including Hole 10 and 16
2. Fixed issue with Hole 8 scorecard
3. Fixed issue with wind not being set correctly in multiplayer
4. Blue line when using a Practice Ball and after using a mulligan will now point at hole
5. Fixed height issue with ball after using mulligan on the green
6. Added additional extension handle preset for Mr Tass
1. Improved collision areas for all greens and bunkers on both courses.
2. Corrected effect on ball when changing to a putter from just off the green
3. Adjusted color of AM Tee grass
4. Corrected the left controller putting indicator not appearing
5. Adjusted driving range to prevent walking off the top area
6. Corrected spelling errors in club house menu
7. Added collision to coffee table and teleport area on the rug
8. Updated spectator name in clubhouse avatar not aligning correctly
9. Corrected visual issue with club set showing through screen on driving range
10. Added a couple of player tournament posters to the Champions Hall
11. Added picture to the Players Wall
12. Modified large pic on wall in Club House wth a canvas look
13. Replaced old scorecard logo with new
14. Adjust sound on some water features
1. Updated two how to play screens that were referencing some old features.
2. Updated Leaderboard spelling for AM.
3. Moved elevator control instructions off the doors so they appear longer.
4. Fixed Left controller teleport in Club House.
5. Added ability to use thumbstick to rotate left/right whilst teleported on the course - it will reset to your original rotation on return.
6. There was a mention that it would be nice to have a fire so quickly added this in.
1. New interactive Club House (walk or teleport around - instructions are in the elevator). In MP, after your friends join a room, option of visiting areas of the clubhouse together before heading out to the course.
2. Driving Range (Single player only) now accessed through the right hand door from the clubhouse with a choice of upper or lower deck.
3. Added a few targets on the driving range (press the target button to switch on/off).
4. A 3D Holographic experience (Single and Multiplayer) allowing you to walk over each hole and point to areas whilst talking to friends.
5. Hall of Champions where you can see previous winners and trophy's. 5. A Players Wall located upstairs at the 19th hole. Will add a discord channel to submit photos. - Maybe take some with Mully located next to the Main Desk.
6. Leaderboards and Main Desk area - text will appear as you walk closer to them.
7. Explore the clubhouse and see where the Heli takes off from.
8. Slight refresh on the clubhouse menu.
9. Removal of Practice Playground and other themed driving ranges to allow increased focus on core parts of the game. Practice mode is available on both courses.
10. Improved look of Golf Ball.
11. Smoother Multiplayer Tee BigScreen.
12. Performance improvements and bug fixes.